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Friday 29 April 2016

Decision Extract From The Extended Meeting Of Committee Of Provosts, Deans And Directors Held On Wednesday, 6th April, 2016

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The Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors at its meeting with Head of Department and Coordinator on Wednesday, 6th April, 2016 Consider the adoption of Mid - Semester Examination of facilitate prompt payment of school fees among other things.
The Committee Consider the Adoption of Mid Semester Examination across colleges in the University. The Committee observed that the College of management and social Science had adopted this method and found it useful and efficient to the College.

The Committee after much deliberation decided as follow:-

The Mid Semester Examination should be conducted across colleges the same day;

That the Mid Semester Examination should be conducted at 7th week of each Semester ;

Evidence of payment of schools fees should be the determining factor of Writing the Mid Semester Examination for students ;

Any staff who May wish to stand in for students on Account of non payment of school fees should write an undertaken to the Vice Chancellor to the effect that such school fees should be deducted from his / her salaries in case the money is not paid within the stipulated time.

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