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Monday 25 April 2016

Danger of Keeping Bad Company In School

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Bad company can be said to be having a set of immoral friends and taking after them, just as they are to having a bad company can occur in different ways, depending on what you do most, where you are and your activities in such place like school and more.

The major effect of bad company is loss of interest in studies. Bad friends do not encourage a person to take his/her studies seriously. All they could do is either teach one how to drink and smoke or prostitute by taking to sugar daddies or mummies.

if it is for a girl she is likely to get pregnant and at the same time contact HIV and AIDS and for a boy , he is prone to becoming a drunk accompanied by HIV/AIDS which can ruin his future completely.

Bad company can also make a student to accommodate arrogance as his or her paramount behavior toward the school authority. Thos can be by breaking the school rules and regulations in the sense that he or she will be coming late to class, fighting his or her mates for unreasonable issues and know to be rude to teacher in the school.

He can lead in school fight against other schools, not knowing that he is likely to be suspended from school or even expelled if care is not taken. This will mark the end of his or her education and such a child can become a threat to both neighborhood and country and consequently become a criminal.
Bad company can bring about the initiation of a student into secret cults. This always involves taking the lives of others intentionally.

I want to advice everybody to look before you leap. This is because there is an adage which says “SHOW ME YOUR FRIEND AND I WILL TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE”. We should try to know the kind of friends we are having, before they influence us with their bad character.
Also I will like to advice parent to please teach their children good moral behavior. In the case of manners, most students do not exhibit the attitude of well-trained children. It is important to call them to order whenever they are bringing up attitude acquire from bad company.

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